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You’ve probably heard the term “broadband connection” thrown around a lot, but do you know what it means? Broadband is an internet connection that offers faster speeds and more bandwidth than a traditional dial-up connection.

Most people use broadband to connect their computers to the internet, but did you know that you can also use broadband to connect other devices? Smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, and even your refrigerator can connect to the internet using a broadband connection.

We will demonstrate through this blog how you can connect your computer, smartphone, tablet, and other devices to the internet to start browsing, streaming, and gaming like a pro.

What Is a Wi-Fi Site Survey?

You’ve probably heard the term ‘site survey’ before, but what does that mean? In the context of broadband connections, a site survey is discovering and mapping out the best placement for your Wi-Fi router to get the best possible signal.

This involves testing locations in your home or office to see which gives you the strongest connection. It can be a little tedious, but worth it in the end. And hey, at least you can take advantage of free Wi-Fi.

Do You Need a Wi-Fi Site Survey?

You may have heard the term ‘site survey’ but never really knew. Lucky for you, we’re here to clear the air (and your internet connection). When you’re ready to set up broadband in your home, you’ll need to conduct a site survey to determine the best place to put your router.

This survey will help you determine how many devices will be using the broadband connection and whether or not you need to install an extender or repeater. For the best results, it’s always a good idea to get help from a professional – unless you want your devices screeching like banshees every time you try to watch Netflix.

How to Conduct a Wi-Fi Site Survey

Before you go ahead and start building your broadband connections among devices, it’s important to do a quick site survey to assess the feasibility of your plan. This means checking to see how much signal strength is available in each corner of your house and whether or not the walls are thick enough to impede the signal.

If you’re lucky, you’ll find that your house is one big hotspot, with signals bouncing off every surface like crazy. In this case, you can probably place your devices in the middle of the room and call it a day. But more often than not, you’ll find some dead zones where the signal can’t seem to make it through.

In these cases, you may need to invest in some signal boosters or repeaters to help amplify the signal in those hard-to-reach places.

How to Interpret Your Wi-Fi Site Survey Results

When you receive your Wi-Fi site survey results, it can be a little daunting – especially if you’re not quite sure how to read them. But don’t worry, we’re here to help.

First, let’s understand what each result means:
– Signal Strength: This is how strong your signal is. Greater the number, the better the signal.
– Signal Quality: This measures how good your signal is.
– Noise Level: This measures the amount of noise interfering with your signal. The higher the number, the worse the interference.
– Data Rate: This is the speed of your connection. The higher the number, the faster your connection will be.

Now that you know what each result means, it’s time to interpret them. You generally want as high signal strength as possible with as low a noise level as possible. The higher the signal quality, the better – but it’s not as important as signal strength and noise level. And finally, you want as high a data rate as possible.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to interpret your Wi-Fi site survey results like a pro!

Pro Tips for Conducting a Wi-Fi Site Survey

To get the most out of your broadband connection, it’s important to ensure that your devices are all connected to the Wi-Fi network. Here are a few pro tips for conducting a Wi-Fi site survey:

  • Make sure that your devices are all close to the router.
  • Place your router in a central location for optimal coverage.
  • If you have multiple devices, try creating a separate network for each one.
  • If you’re still having trouble connecting, try changing the channel on your router.
  • And lastly, always reboot your router after making any changes.


Now that you know more about broadband connections and Wi-Fi routers, it’s time to put that knowledge to use!

The best way to have a reliable and fast broadband connection is to have as many devices connected to the router as possible. That way, the router can distribute the signal equally among all devices.

The future of Wi-Fi: Why Wi-Fi 7 and Wi-Fi 8 will be the next big thing

In the future, Wi-Fi 7 and Wi-Fi 8 will be the new standard for wireless networking. These next-generation wireless technologies will offer faster speeds, better range, and more reliable connections.

The next generation of Wi-Fi is already upon us, with the new 802.11ax standard beginning to be deployed in devices and networks across the globe. But what does this new standard mean for users and businesses, and what can we expect from Wi-Fi in the future? 802.11ax is the latest revision of the 802.11 wireless networking standard, and it’s designed to provide significantly faster

Wi-Fi 7 will be considerably faster than 802.11ac Wi-Fi.

11ac is the fastest standard currently available and has a maximum theoretical speed of 1.3 Gbps. However, it’s not as fast as wired internet—it’s only compatible with newer devices (ones that have already been designed to work with Wi-Fi 7) because its transmission technology isn’t up to snuff yet.

So what does this mean for you? If you’re thinking about your online presence and want to ensure that everything runs smoothly during peak times, upgrading your router or switching over from 802.11ac immediately makes sense!

Wi-Fi 7 is expected to reach speeds of up to 10 Gbps

As the demand for faster internet speeds increases, so do the speeds available. Wi-Fi 7 is expected to climb up to 10 Gbps—10 times faster than 802.11ac Wi-Fi and about 50 times faster than the average home broadband connection. This means your device could download a 4K movie in less than a minute using Wi-Fi 7!

This level of speed will be possible thanks to 100 MHz channels and 256 QAM modulation (though they’re not required). With this technology, it’s possible for devices like smartphones or laptops with an antenna array on top of them (like Google Glass) could operate at gigabit rates through walls since there would no longer be any limits with which you’d have to contend with when trying out new features like Google Duplex or Face ID face recognition software.”

Wi-Fi 7 will only work with the newest phones, routers, and other hardware.

Wi-Fi 7 will only work with the newest phones, routers, and other hardware. If you want to be able to enjoy the latest features of 802.11ac wireless technology in your home or office—and if you have an older smartphone that doesn’t support it—you’ll need a new router from your ISP or manufacturer.

Wi-Fi 6 is moving in a retrograde motion compatible with Wi-Fi 5 equipment, so if you have an older router still functioning as a repeater for one of these standards (or even just been using an old one for years), then there’s no need to worry about upgrading yet! But once we reach Wi-Fi 7.

Current Wi-Fi ranges are likely to improve as well with Wi-Fi 7

With Wi-Fi 7 and 8, your device can connect to more devices at once. If you want to connect with friends on a game of Fortnite or League of Legends, you can do that with Wi-Fi 7. You could also use it for streaming from Netflix or YouTube without any buffering issues due to the increased bandwidth offered by these new standards.

Wi-Fi 7 will also have a better range than its predecessor; if you’re looking for a wireless signal while travelling through the city or even walking down some stairs in your home, then there’s no need to worry! Your phone should still be able to find an available network even if there are multiple nearby (like when someone else is using theirs).

The Wi-Fi 6 standard should eventually help usher in Wi-Fi 7

Wi-Fi 6 will be a big deal for the future of internet connectivity. The first reason is that it will help usher in Wi-Fi 7, a new standard with several benefits over its predecessors.

Wi-Fi 6 will be more efficient and faster than previous standards, but it’s not just about speed—it also needs to be able to handle more devices at once!

Wi-Fi 7 is set to combine with 5G cellular technology for better performance.

Wi-Fi 7 is set to combine with 5G cellular technology for better performance. The result will be faster speeds and more usable bandwidth, which means you can do more things at once—like stream your favourite TV show on Netflix or download a game while playing Overwatch. And that’s just the beginning: It’ll also allow you to connect devices like smart speakers and home security systems without having to worry about data caps or expensive monthly plans.

Wi-Fi 8 could bring us closer than ever before when it comes time for everyone in the world (or at least those who have access)

Wi-Fi 7 is the next big thing!

Wi-Fi 7 is the next big thing.

Wi-Fi 7 will be faster than 802.11ac and backward compatible with it simultaneously! It can also connect to 5G networks when they roll out in 2020 and 2021, respectively, which makes it a much better option than either of those two standards (802.11ac or 5G).


Wi-Fi 7 is set to be the next big thing in wireless technology. It will offer faster speeds and an improved range, but because it’s based on 802.11ac, it won’t work with older devices. Still, we’re excited about this new standard—it could help usher in 5G cellular technology and make our lives easier on all fronts!